Packages of Fear

Today, I had to vote. Alone. For the first time, ever.

I know that may not seem like a big deal, but every “first” without him threatens to unravel me. Fear is knocking at my door in every neatly wrapped package imaginable. But, as we all know, this delivery man is the enemy of my soul. I recognize his handiwork. Sometimes, though, it’s so very tempting to unwrap the package and sit with the fear for a while.

Yesterday was one of those days. Today looked like it was going to be the same. Then, a friend sent me this reminder in the form of a song.

Whatever I’m feeling
Whatever is coming
Whenever the ending
You’re already there
You go before me
You go behind me
Wherever I’m going
You’re already there
You already know

There are so many more firsts to face alone, and so many more packages of fear that I must choose whether or not to unwrap. I don’t have to accept mail from the enemy of my soul, and neither do you.

We don’t need to fear tomorrow.
Because He’s already there.
And He already knows.

TPW February 2022

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