When you’re faced with an unwanted new life, devastated by loss and you’re overwhelmed with sorrow; seek the face of the Savior. He knows the agony of separation and the anguish of grief.
Matthew 26:38
When your body aches to be held, but the hands you long for are no longer here; let the hands that hold the galaxies hold you. He is the God of all comfort and He is enough.
2 Corinthians 1:3-5
When you wonder who will take care of you, now that you are alone; acknowledge the One Who has always taken care of you. He knows your need and He won’t abandon you now.
Isaiah 46:4
When you feel vulnerable, insecure and frightened; fear not! The sustainer of all creation is also the defender of the widow. You are safe in His care.
Psalm 68:5; 91:4
When you feel desperately alone, unknown and unseen; remember El Roi sees you. He knows, He is near, and you are never alone.
Genesis 16:13
When it seems like the world has moved on and left you behind; cling to the rock of ages. He will never leave you or forsake you.
Isaiah 41:10
When your eyes are blinded by your tears, turn your gaze to the One Who collects every tear in His bottle. He is touched by your sorrow.
Psalm 56:8
When the tightening in your chest makes it hard to breathe, inhale prayers and exhale praise. Let Him breathe new life into you.
Ezekiel 37:5-6
When the silence is deafening; give ear to His still, small voice. He whispers your name.
1 Kings 19:12
When you wake up and are forced to remember, all over again; also remember that you have not been left comfortless. He walks this valley with you.
John 14:18; Psalm 23
When questions swirl about like a hurricane in your mind; fix your thoughts on the One Who calmed the sea. He can calm the storm in you.
Psalm 107:28-30
When it feels like no one cares; remember the One Who clothes the lilies and sees every sparrow that falls. He knows the number of hairs on your head. He hasn’t forgotten the sparrow and He won’t forget you.
Luke 12:6-7
When you haven’t slept in days and rest will not come; come to the gentle Savior who gives rest to your soul. Cast your cares on Him: He cares deeply for you.
1 Peter 5:7
When you’re so very tired of being strong and weakness threatens to undo you; rest in the mighty arms of the Father. Let Him carry you and renew your strength.
Isaiah 40:29-31
When you’re trying to carry it all, for yourself and for others; lay it down and let Jesus carry it for you. His yoke is easy and His burden is light.
Matthew 11:28-30
When it feels like the pain will never stop; think of the joy that awaits those who love Him and see your agony pale in comparison. One glorious day, He will wipe away every tear with His own nail-scarred hands.
Romans 8:18
And when you think that the only person who really loved you is gone and you will never be loved again; speak this truth to your heart:
“God so loved me, that He gave His own Son, so that if I believe in Him, I will never truly die, but have eternal life.” Do you believe this?
John 3:16
TPW 3/22/2022